We are an Internet based numismatic society. To this end, we communicate by the SGS Newsletter, email, and our website, reducing the use of any non-electronic means of communication. In essence, we are driven by our Mission Statement to run an informal, relaxed association governed by a Board of Directors. The official annual gathering of members is in conjunction with the Georgia Numismatic Association Coin Show. Members may choose to gather at other numismatic venues throughout the year.
Annual Gathering
Make plans now to join the annual Southern Gold Society gathering during the Georgia Numismatic Association Coin Show at the Dalton Convention Center. This year’s event will take place on Friday, April 11, at 2:00 p.m.
In keeping with the Society’s mission, the gathering remains an informal and social occasion, fostering engaging discussions about Southern gold coins. This year, we are honored to feature Jeff Garrett, a renowned expert in U.S. coinage, who will present on the Southern gold coins of the Great Kentucky Hoard, a fascinating Civil War-era discovery.
All show attendees are welcome to join us for this special event!
Application for Membership
Annual membership dues are $25 (January 1-December 31). Charter and Founding memberships are no longer offered, but Regular membership is available. Membership for new members joining in October, November, or December extends through the next year. Membership may be renewed each year for the current annual membership dues. Considering the organization’s Internet, electronic format, we do not issue paper membership cards or certificates recognizing Charter or Founding members. Founding members received a special “thank you” letter by email. Each new member receives an email welcoming them, stating their membership number. Membership renewals are acknowledged by email.
Checks for membership fees should be made payable to the “Southern Gold Society” and mailed to David Crenshaw, P.O. Box 237, Dacula, GA 30019-0004.
Note: The initial dues structure, including that of the Charter and Founding Members, was an attempt to financially “jump” start the Society. Additional costs will be incurred in constructing and maintaining the Society’s website. The dues structure will be reviewed annually and adjustments made (either up or down), based on the actual expenses incurred. It is believed that the $25 annual fee should be considered a nominal sum for most collectors of southern gold coins.